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Icons and Classics of Design.

Anchor 10

"Paulo Parra’s Collection has a very clear definition of its contours: it is a persistent and laborious reunion of objects built from the serious mapping of objects which were conceived by the structuring designers of the 20th century.

(...) In this sense, the collection is necessarily the result of a thought dwelling in design, in its economy and use value, as well as in it efficiency. Thus, the Paulo Parra collection is a fundamental toll towards the understanding of our time, considering that, while not oriented towards the glamour of design, it is moved by the deep attempt to understand time’s mobility."    




Delfim Sardo, “Recursividade e Intervalo”, Ícones do Design, Évora, 2005.

"Paulo Parra, one of the most prominent Portuguese designers, in the recente decades has created a design collection that is unique. (...), Comprises about 3,000 design objects. To receive these "Design Icons" the Museum of Craft and Design of Évora (a university town in the south of Portugal in the Alentejo region) and it's a remarkable choice: "25 Masters of Design International" based on 125 selected objects. (...) There is also a broader catalog "Icons of Design. Collection Paulo Parra", which allows us to have at least a partial view of this design collection. (...) For the investigation of the history of design, all of this is extremely abundant and a giant treasure."




Bernhard E. Bürdek, Netzwerk Aussstellungen, 2014

Anchor 5

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A few examples are shown at this document



Paulo Parra Collection covers a very wide objects universe. The oldest piece is a "chopper" dated 

15,000 BC and the latest is an Apple iPod, from 2001.


Writing objects, sound and image, appliances and consumer electronics, table and sit objects are some of the main types represented. The collection is representative of the main authors, as well as the most important moments in the history of national and international design.

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